Main projects

Main Projects:

CARAMEL (New CArbothermic approaches to Recovery criticAl MEtals from spent Lithium-ions batteries). Recently APPROUVED BY MUR on the frame of FISA - Fondo Italiano Scienze Applicate - for 1.016.499,73 €. The project started in January 2025. Read the Regione Lombardia Open innovation news. Principal investigator


MICS (Made in Italy Circolare e Sostenibile): Reference researcher for the SPOKE 5 activities, about critical metals recovery from spent batteries, funded by the European Union Next-GenerationEU (PIANO NAZIONALE DI RIPRESA E RESILIENZA (PNRR). Responsible of a project.

Tech4Lib (Low-energy technologies for circular economy of spent lithium-ions batteries based on enhanced microwave effects) Project financed by Fondazione Cariplo (2023-2026). Principal investigator

SMaRTPCBs (Sustainable Materials Recycling Technology for Printed Circuit Boards) Project financed by Ministero della Transizione Ecologica (2022-2024). Partner

PHIGO (Thermal Processing of P-rich ashes aiming for HIGH-GRADE PHOSPHORUS Products) European project ERA-MIN (2022-2024). Partner

NEXT-LIB (Novel Circular Economic Approaches for Efficient Extraction of Valuables from Spend Li-Ion Batteries) European project ERA-MIN (2020-2022). Partner

DEASPHOR (Design of a product for substitution of phosphate rocks) European project ERA-MIN (2018-2022). Partner

RENDERING (Recupero ENergetico dei fanghi di DEpurazione e loro Riutilizzo, IN alternativa ad alcune risorse naturali, per la produzione di compositi “Green”) Project financed by Italian Ministry of Environment (2018-2021). Principal investigator

MINEA COST action (Mining the European Anthroposphere): The reserch was aderssed to resource potential of solid residues from waste incineration (see for example one of our most cited works). Partner

BASALTO (Nuovi materiali BAsati Su ALginati per la rimozione del particolaTO aerodisperso) Project financed by Regione Lombradia and INSTM (2016-2018). Principal investigator

SINFONIA (2016-2018). Principal investigator

RISANA (2016). Principal investigator

Fondazione Comunità Bresciana projects (2012 - 2016). Principal investigator

Cosmos-RICE European Project LIFE (2013 - 2015). Scientific responsible.

COSMOS European project LIFE (2010 - 2012). Scientific responsible.

COOPER-Interlink MIUR project (2011 - 2012) Principal investigator