Main projects

Main Projects:

CARAMEL (New CArbothermic approaches to Recovery criticAl MEtals from spent Lithium-ions batteries): JUST APPROUVED BY MUR on the frame of FISA - Fondo Italiano Scienze Applicate - for 871.500 €. The project will start in December 2024. Read the Regione Lombardia Open innovation news.

MICS (Made in Italy Circolare e Sostenibile): Reference researcher for the SPOKE 5 activities, about critical metals recovery from spent batteries, funded by the European Union Next-GenerationEU (PIANO NAZIONALE DI RIPRESA E RESILIENZA (PNRR).

Tech4Lib (Low-energy technologies for circular economy of spent lithium-ions batteries based on enhanced microwave effects) Project financed by Fondazione Cariplo (2023-2026)

SMaRTPCBs (Sustainable Materials Recycling Technology for Printed Circuit Boards) Project financed by Ministero della Transizione Ecologica (2022-2024)

PHIGO (Thermal Processing of P-rich ashes aiming for HIGH-GRADE PHOSPHORUS Products) European project ERA-MIN (2022-2024)

NEXT-LIB (Novel Circular Economic Approaches for Efficient Extraction of Valuables from Spend Li-Ion Batteries) European project ERA-MIN (2020-2022)

DEASPHOR (Design of a product for substitution of phosphate rocks) European project ERA-MIN (2018-2022)

RENDERING (Recupero ENergetico dei fanghi di DEpurazione e loro Riutilizzo, IN alternativa ad alcune risorse naturali, per la produzione di compositi “Green”) Project financed by Italian Ministry of Environment (2018-2021)

BASALTO (Nuovi materiali BAsati Su ALginati per la rimozione del particolaTO aerodisperso) Project financed by Regione Lombradia and INSTM (2016-2018)

SINFONIA (2016-2018)

RISANA (2016)

Fondazione Comunità Bresciana projects (2012 - 2016)

Cosmos-RICE European Project LIFE (2013 - 2015)

COSMOS European project LIFE (2010 - 2012)

COOPER-Interlink MIUR project (2011 - 2012)